Category: Driver Errors

How To Fix Error Code 37

The error code 37 is often caused when you do not connect a device to your computer properly. It’s often shown when you either attach or remove USB devices from your system, as Windows is unable to use the device due to a driver not being installed properly. You can...

Computer Driver Update Software – Does It Work?

Driver update software is becoming very popular online thanks to its promise of being able to make your computer work smoother and more effectively by updating all the drivers on your PC in an automated and reliable way. However, does this software actually work and is it safe to use?

Steps To Fix Psapi.dll Errors

Psapi.dll is a Process Status Helper file used by Windows to collate information and files about all your software & drivers on your PC. It basically shows all the programs that are running on your computer, allowing your “Task Manager” to show these in the running processes section it has....

Imagehlp.dll Errors Fixes

imagehlp.dll is a “dynamic link library” file belonging to the Microsoft Windows Operating System program . imagehlp.dll is a module containing the Windows Debug Help library used for debugging and error handling on Windows NT operating systems and later. It’s often the case that this file becomes damaged or corrupted,...