Category: DLL Error Fixes

How To Fix Dimsntfy.dll Errors On Windows PCs

Dimsntfy.dll is a file used by Windows to handle the logging-on and logging-off procedure operated by Windows. Basically, your computer needs it every time you log in and log out of your account. It is associated with Microsoft’s “credential roaming...

Tutorial Fix For Updspapi.dll Error

Updspapi.dll is a file which is the Setup Application Programming Interface is directly related to a set of links that is also aset of functions that a Windows setup application can call to perform installation operations. The setup functions compliment the...

How To Fix The Tosbtapi.dll Error

The Tosbtapi.dll is a file which is related to the Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba. The file initiates specific protocols that allows your computer and other devices to connect to your computer via the bluetooth connection. The module reads...