Tagged: 7

How To Repair The 80080005 Error In Windows 7

The 80080005 error is caused when you try and run programs that are not coded correctly to work on Windows. More specifically, if you try and run COM+ applications under a variety of different users that are specified in the “This User” property, the computer cannot distribute the memory sufficiently and...

10 Ways To Improve The Performance Of Windows 7

Windows 7 might be the latest version of Windows, but it’s still prone to running extremely slowly. This is a problem which has plagued countless versions of Windows, but the good news is that because Windows 7 has several new & advanced features inside, it’s actually very easy to boost...

How To Fix Windows 7 Black Screen Startup Error

The black screen error which appears when Windows 7 boots up is incredibly annoying and common on this system. Unfortunately, many people are now reporting the “Black Screen Of Death” and are looking for a way to fix it. This tutorial will show you the best ways to fix this...