Category: Windows 7

80070003 Windows Update Error

Windows Update Error 80070003 is caused by “Temporary Files” being blocked inside your computer. These files are used by Windows to help save the updates you’re downloading onto your system, and are used continually on your system. Unfortunately, it’s the...

0x8007045D Error Fix

The 0x8007045D error occurs in Windows Vista & Windows 7 when you try and backup to an External HD (Hard Drive). The error itself has been caused by Windows’ inability to correctly connect to an external media device. Although many...

How To Fix Error 7000 on Windows 7

Error 7000 is a common problem that occurs on computers using the Windows 7 operating system. It is an alarming complication, because it can be potentially damaging to the system. It usually occurs when you try to run a Windows...

Windows 7 Error 0x800700717 Fix

Windows 7 0x800700717 Error is a Windows problem that prevents you from completing a installation or upgrade of Windows 7.  The error generally occurs when the installation has encountered an unreadable file or it cannot proceed to copying required files...