Tagged: best

Steps To Repair The Wintrust.dll Error

The Wintrust.dll is a file that contains application programming interface functions to verify trust in files and various settings, catalogs, signatures and certificates for third parties. The Wintrust.dll file is part of the Spyware Doctor program, and when people have...

0x8007043c Error Fix (Windows Update)

Windows Update is a service provided by Microsoft that provide updates for the Windows operating system and installed components, including such things as Internet Explorer. It is important to keep your system frequently updated because out of date software and...

Spotify Error 117 Fix

Spotify is a free music streaming based service which streams music live over the internet. This program has become extremely popular amongst the younger generation as an alternative for using untrusted programs such as LimeWire. Although many people use this...

How To Fix The Winmm.dll error

The Winmm.dll is a file which is directly related to the Windows Multimedia API. This particular module contains low-level audio and joystick functions. However a lot of people have experienced a number of errors which relate back to the Winmm.dll...

How To Repair The Winsock.dll Error

Winsock.dll is a file which is a technical specification that defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially the TCP/IP layer of the network. There has been a lot of speculation surrounding this particular file as there have...

How To Repair Error 609

Error 609 is an error which is related to the iTunes program created by Apple Inc. This particular error occurs when you try to download artwork from the internet to your music library. A lot of people have experienced this...

Steps To Resolve Error 1058

The 1058 Error is an error that is related to the Windows Automatic Update tool, which is used to update components of Windows systems. However, a lot of people have been experiencing errors related to this tool, and have said...

Steps To Fix Error 1152

Error 1152 is an error which is caused when you try to install ‘Installshield Express 5.0‘. However many people have experienced problems with this particular software tool. You will try to install the software tool and it cannot complete the...