Tagged: windows

0x8007043c Error Fix (Windows Update)

Windows Update is a service provided by Microsoft that provide updates for the Windows operating system and installed components, including such things as Internet Explorer. It is important to keep your system frequently updated because out of date software and...

How To Fix The Winmm.dll error

The Winmm.dll is a file which is directly related to the Windows Multimedia API. This particular module contains low-level audio and joystick functions. However a lot of people have experienced a number of errors which relate back to the Winmm.dll...

How To Fix Wab32.dll Error

Wab32.dll is a file which is directly related to the Windows Address Book that contains database and user interface enabling users to find and edit information. The Windows Address Book is used by so many people but there have been...


How To Resolve iTunes Error 998

iTunes is a very popular multimedia application released from Apple Inc. However many people have been reporting that they have been confronted with an iTunes error with the number, 998 included. This error is basically caused by the way in...

How To Fix Error 4201 On Windows

Error 4201 is an error on windows related to WMI data provider, which is a component of Windows. However people have reported a number of problems which are directly linked to the WMI provider. People have said that they have...

Windows Installer Errors Fix

Windows Installer is a software component which is used for the installation, maintenance and removal of software on modern Microsoft Windows systems. This component is very useful for properly installing and uninstallation of software because it allows you to complete...

What To Do If TweetDeck Crashes

TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Foursquare and MySpace. Much like Twitter itself it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets and view profiles. Many users have...

How To Stop TweetDeck Freezing On Your PC

TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Foursquare and MySpace. Much like Twitter itself it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets and view profiles. Many users have...

How To Fix adobe_air.dll Errors

Adobde_air.dll is a dynamic link library file which is directly linked with Adobe Air, and because its a dynamic link library file this means it has a specific function. This file allows many different components in the Adobe package to...