Tagged: 2011

How To Remove Win 7 Antispyware 2011

Win 7 Antispyware 2011 is a rogue virus which secretly gains access to your computers infrastructure by downloading and installing itself onto your system, once it has done this it then begins to spread various files and settings throughout your...

How To Remove XP Total Security 2011

XP Total Security 2011 is a newly released fake antivirus tool that’s currently installing itself onto 100’s of computers around the World. Despite looking like it could be a legitimate tool, this infection is a complete scam and should not...

Remove Vista Anti-Virus 2011

Vista Antivirus 2011 is a newly released infection that’s been designed to try and get you to buy the fake upgrade to the infection. Designed by hackers, it’s a complete fraud and should not be trusted at all, as it...

Antivirus Clean 2011 Removal Tutorial

Antivirus Clean 2011 is a newly released fake antivirus tool. It has been created by hackers who are determined to steal your money & try to get you to buy the fake upgrade to this program. Although it looks legitimate,...

Win7 Internet Security 2011 Virus Removal

Win7 Internet Security 2011 is a newly released fake antivirus tool which has been created by hackers to try and scam you into purchasing the fake upgrade to this program. We’ve found that although this program might seem legitimate, it’s...

How To Remove Internet Protection 2011

Internet Protection 2011 is a newly released fake program which has been created by hackers to try and get you to buy the fake upgrade to this program. Although it’s been created to look like a legitimate tool, this virus...