Tagged: installer

Skype Error 1603

When you are attempting to update Skype, you may receive error 1603. This error is to do with uninstallation of Skype when it is not able to find the PluginManager.msi file on your system. Skype is a recent Microsoft purchase...

Windows Installer Errors Fix

Windows Installer is a software component which is used for the installation, maintenance and removal of software on modern Microsoft Windows systems. This component is very useful for properly installing and uninstallation of software because it allows you to complete...

Windows 7 Error 0x800700717 Fix

Windows 7 0x800700717 Error is a Windows problem that prevents you from completing a installation or upgrade of Windows 7.  The error generally occurs when the installation has encountered an unreadable file or it cannot proceed to copying required files...

How To Fix Microsoft Office Error 1328

The 1328 error is caused by an update issue between Microsoft Office & Windows Update. This error is normally caused when Windows tries to apply the “Windows XP SP1 Update” patch to Microsoft office and cannot read the file path...