Tagged: method

Tutorial Fix For Updspapi.dll Error

Updspapi.dll is a file which is the Setup Application Programming Interface is directly related to a set of links that is also aset of functions that a Windows setup application can call to perform installation operations. The setup functions compliment the...

How To Fix The Tosbtapi.dll Error

The Tosbtapi.dll is a file which is related to the Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba. The file initiates specific protocols that allows your computer and other devices to connect to your computer via the bluetooth connection. The module reads...

1713 Error Fix Tutorial

Error 1713 is an error which is directly related to the Microsoft Office software program, and occurs when you try to install Microsoft Office Suite or standalone or an Office 2012 suite by double-clicking on the .msi file. The error occurs...

How To Fix The Skype 9502 Error

The Skype 9502 error is an internal error which occurs when a user dials a number on Skype and they receive an internal error 9502. Many users have had this problem when they have used Skype to dial numbers, and...

How To Fix The Unicows.dll Error

The Unicows.dll is a file which belongs to the Microsoft Windows Millennium operating systems program. This particular file is used by Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU), which is a software library for Windows software developers to simplify creating Unicode-aware applications for...

Windows Error 1326 Fix

Windows Error 1326 is an error that occurs when trying to download the SR-1 update package for Microsoft Office onto your system for necessary updates. It is important to keep your system updated with the latest upgrades and patches and...