Tagged: removal

How To Remove Defense Center From Your PC

Defense Center is a rogue antivirus program that is installing itself on many people’s computers and is consequently causing a large number of errors and problems for your PC. This infection is normally contracted from the Internet and comes from...

Windows Precautions Center Removal Tutorial

Windows Precautions Center is a fake anti-virus infection which infiltrates your system by covertly downloading and installing itself onto your system. The main aim of a fake anti-virus is to lure you into a false sense of security and then...

Remove Vista Anti-Virus 2011

Vista Antivirus 2011 is a newly released infection that’s been designed to try and get you to buy the fake upgrade to the infection. Designed by hackers, it’s a complete fraud and should not be trusted at all, as it...

Antivirus Center Removal Tutorial

Antivirus Center is a newly released fake antivirus tool which has been created by hackers to get you to buy the rogue upgrade to the virus. The design of this virus is typical of most fake antivirus tools – whereby...